Garuda Linux is an open source project maintained by cheerful and
hardworking developers. It does not generate any kind of direct or
indirect income. However, there are expenses like:
Server costs (renting or hardware purchase)
Associated bandwidth fees
Domain costs (annual)
Fees for promoting the exposure of the distro (likely unneeded)
Fees for registering Garuda at any national/ international/
governmental agency/ authority.
Important note though: Garuda will remain free and open source
Donation Policy
The Garuda Linux distribution is completely free of cost and always
will be. However, to ensure the long-term viability of the distro,
it was felt further resources were required. As Garuda generates
zero income from advertising (or other sources) the only way to fund
improvements to the distro is through accepting donations.
Contributions will be used to ensure the furtherance of the
distribution. Funds will be used primarily for expansion in
bandwidth, mirror, and server capacities. Funds may also be used for
registration of Garuda with various national/international
organizations that may be deemed of benefit (or for the protection
of Garuda trademarks/copyrights). Some of your contributions may
also go to support other great projects that enable the Garuda
distribution to exist. At this early stage, it is too soon to
project an exact breakdown of distribution costs, but the donation
disbursements will be fully and accurately accounted for in the
treasurers financial reports. You can rest assured that your
contributions will be used responsibly for the welfare and
continuance of the Garuda distribution. *All donations are
non-refundable once processed.